Protecting our troops and providing them with innovative and vital equipment is crucial to their safety at home and abroad. The Department of Defense looks for new ways to mitigate fuel line disruptions and the threat of attack to frontline troops when transporting fuel on the battlefield and in remote locations.
The Mighty Power Systemâ„¢ offers a viable solution, rapidly deploying transportable mission essential plug-and-play solar photovoltaics (PV) and battery power where fuel-free, safe, silent, odorless, clean and clandestine off-grid and emergency power is needed.
When delivered to its destination, opened and set up by two people, The Mighty Power System is fully operational, powering critical devices and sites in less than five minutes. No tools, special training, additional adjustments during operation, ground conditioning, trenching or installation of heavy structural members are needed.
Ideal for FOBS, remote sites and in-field operations, the Mighty Power System is comprised of two individual components: The PPG (Solar Portable Power Generator) and The Mighty Box® (battery backup/energy storage).
The PPG is a prefabricated all-aluminum foldable framed solar array. The provided positive locking pins are the only tools ever needed to open and close The PPG. Quick release no-flat swivel caster wheels allow easy movement. The built-in fold-out windscreen, together with the claw/stabilizer, anchors The PPG to the ground and secures its position to withstand wind and seismic loads without ballast. If storms of hurricane proportion are forecast, PPGs can be folded and placed flat on the ground, protected from large flying debris by the rigid and resistant exoskeleton. After the storm, PPGs are reopened to again generate power.
The Mighty Box® provides battery backup/energy storage from a rugged, military-grade fully-vented enclosure housing four AGM batteries, inverter, charge controller, cooling fans, internal charger and all related electronic components. The PPG cabling is connected to The Mighty Box, delivering instant AC power. The solar electricity generated by The PPG charges the batteries during daylight hours, maintaining optimum battery power for day and night usage. Each Mighty Box can receive up to four PPGs for more PV power. Optional Battery Companion Units with four or eight additional batteries are available for enhanced battery power. The custom-designed caddy provides easy mobility and is removable to prevent misappropriation.
The Mighty Power System can be delivered by truck, trailer and V/STOL aircraft. The carrying fixture at the top of the PPG frame facilitates transport by helicopter to building rooftops and remote areas inaccessible to wheeled vehicles.
The PPG and The Mighty Box both feature built-in anti-theft elements. EMP hardening is also available.
The unique transformational design of The Mighty Power System offers a continuous sustainable and value-added resource to a MOB. PPGs can be used to create traditional ground-mounted grid-tied solar installations of any size using standard inverters to reduce fuel consumption and operating costs while lowering carbon footprint. When an emergency arises and power is needed elsewhere, any numbers of PPGs are quickly unplugged and taken offline without disruption to the entire installation and deployed with Mighty Boxes, which have been in storage at 100% readiness by AC connection to an internal charger. When the emergency passes, Mighty Boxes are returned to storage and PPGs are reconnected to their MOB installation, awaiting future assignment.
The Mighty Power System provides mission critical equipment for all branches of the Armed Forces.